This is going to sound crazy, but I'm going to attempt to get my fundraising link out there by hiring a social media influencer. I went on Fiverr and found that there are people with large followings willing to share your information for $5. I narrowed it down to influencers from the United States since this is American Cancer Society and sent three potential influencers a message to find out more about their followers. Basically, do they really have engagement with posts.
If it seems like they might be able to help me, $5 is a small price to pay to help me raise the last $2000.
The first influencer I messaged has 83,000 followers on his Twitter page. His bio says he's a "The ultimate Mercedes enthusiast." but looking at his Tweets, they're mostly advertisements lately. So I wonder how many people will actually read a Tweet from him if it comes across, even if he does have 83,000 followers.
The next person I messaged seems to be from India. I had marked English, not United States, when filtering sellers so I'll see if she responds, but I don't think I will use her since again it's an American Charity so international audiences might not be as willing to donate.
The last person I messaged has over 10,000 Instagram followers and a Facebook page with 100,000 fans. He responded to my message that since it's for charity he'd post to both pages so, here I go. $5 for a chance to reach the fundraising goal.
I created an image for him to post with a short blurb and the link...