When I first started running, I used a couch to 5k app that helped me learn how to pace myself while building up stamina. When I finished the app, I started trying to go straight but realized it wasn't working for me. This is when I learned that Map My Run allowed you to set a repetitive timer for intervals. Using this timer, I was not only able to get my distance up, I actually felt good at the end of the run.
Flash forward to this week when my premium access to Map My Run ended and I learned those intervals mean more than I thought. I went out for a run on Saturday without a timer and was just going by how my body felt. BAD IDEA. For the last two days, I've barely been able to move.
I have known back issues and it seems that by the time I feel the pain, it's too late to back off. I need that timer to prevent myself from over doing it.
I will be resting for a few days and then starting slow again. For now, rest, heating pad, and recovery.